Precut Cap Liners

Because we supply the “big boys” with cap lining material we know our field and we utilize piggy-back productions and stock rolls to be able to service large and small clients alike.

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1.0 Valued Clients with Small Scale Cap Liner Requirements:

For the contract Manufacturer, Cosmetics Company, Boutique and Cottage Food Industries, Spices and Small Enterprises, the use of induction liners can give a big boost to their product image and integrity.  Finding caps with the liners you need can be difficult or not yet available in the smaller quantities you are dealing with.  Loose packed pre-cut liners can be supplied with very short notice; within 2-3 weeks and sometimes much faster.  We are at the concluding stages of developing IP that will see lead times fall to well within one week. We use methods that enable cutting tools to be produced for hundreds of dollars rather than thousands of dollars so if your size is unique do not worry.

2.0 Larger Scale requirements and working with Cap manufacturers:

We are introducing tube packed pre-cut liners as an alternative to the more traditional roll form supply of cap lining material.

2.1  Small Scale  Cap Liners

Tube packed pre-cut liners are introduced for the small scale and pilot projects as it solves labor considerations and can be combined with cost effective budget liner-insertion-machines.

2.2  Large Scale Cap Lining

In a kind of paradox, the very large scale projects are often best served with pre-cut tube packed liners.  The liner inserting equipment is of a much higher sophistication level but the pay-off comes in the better material yield, the elimination of maintaining knifes and dies, the elimination of dust and particle consideration, the more efficient shipping costs for the lining material and the elimination of disposal consideration for the waste generated from cutting from roll form stock.  Behind the scene of pre-cut supply, the more savvy pre-cut liner manufacturers also have scavenging and recycling techniques in line with their pre-cut operations to make use of the offcuts generated and this results in a cleaner environmental footprint for this format of cap lining material.

2.3 Innovative Pre-cut Cap Lining Options

We also supply pre-cut liners with innovations that are quite unique and specific to the pre-cut format.  Liners with backing having built in pull tabs often require a pre-cut format of cap lining material.